The first 30 days with dentures: tips for a smooth adjustment period

August 28, 2024
A woman smiling with her new dentures

Feeling nervous about wearing dentures for the first time? Not sure what to expect in the beginning? If you need dentures but are not feeling confident about how the first weeks will be, Integral Denture Centre is here for you. In this blog, we are sharing tips on adapting to the first 30 days of wearing dentures, ensuring you have a smooth and comfortable transition.

The first step is to have a consultation with an exam to properly assess your needs, concerns, and wants with a denture. Once this is discussed & possible treatment options are understood around esthetics, fit, and function with your new denture you will be able to choose properly, and this will give you reassurance, peace of mind and a great denture experience.

Making Sure You Have an Accurate Fit

One of the most important tips for a smooth adaptation is ensuring a good fit with your dentures. For those who want a natural look and an accurate fit, digital dentures are a great option. By using digital oral scans and denture software we can copy, design, and create the look of your choice with digital dentures providing a more precise fit and smoother adjustment period.

It is even possible to have an idea of how your smile will look afterward. With the help of digital smile design, you can have your potential new smile 3D printed for you at try in stage, giving you a better vision of how your dentures will look and actually feel.

First Day – Letting Your Gums Heal

If you had your teeth extracted and your denture delivered just after that procedure, it’s best to not remove your dentures during the first 48 hours. Your dentures will act like a band aid and protect the tender, inflamed areas of your gums, allowing you to have a safer and more effective healing process.

Therefore, on the first 2 days after surgery, you should wear your dentures even while sleeping to ensure your well-being and a speedy recovery.

First Two Weeks – Dealing with More Saliva and Eventual Sores

You might experience increased salivation and eventual sores during the first two weeks. It takes time for your gums and cheeks to get used to the new dentures, so a little discomfort is expected initially. You can rinse your mouth gently 2 days after surgery with warm salt water from time to time for comfort and relief. You will come back after 2-3 days post op for the denturist to examine how you are doing with your dentures. Adjustments may be needed during this visit.

During the healing process, your gums will slowly begin to shrink as they heal making your dentures loose, usually most shrinkage is in first 3-6 months after extractions. You may need to return to the denture clinic a couple of times to have your dentures adjusted.

You will most likely need to eat softer foods for a while until your gums start to heal and you can apply some more pressure to your gums when eating. This is different for every person.

Second Two Weeks – Getting to Eating and Talking

A lot of people get concerned about the idea of eating or even talking when getting their first dentures. You will be happy to know you will slowly return to your typical diet after just a couple of weeks.  The lower denture is typically the most challenging because the jaw moves, the floor of your mouth, tongue, lips and cheeks all move when eating and talking. After 3 weeks if you wear your dentures 10-14 hours daily you will notice a significant improvement.

You are expected to have a certain degree of difficulty speaking, as even partial dentures can initially cause discomfort. A good strategy is to make note of the words and syllables you have the most difficulty with and practice whenever possible and even in front of your mirror while talking out loud to yourself can help with speech. The more you work on these sounds, the easier it will be to get used to them again.

After Thirty Days

We have good news for you. Most people say they are familiar with and using their dentures well everyday by this point in time. They may still have slight discomfort, but can eat better, talk, and smile more easily.

However, you might need to return to the denture clinic for another adjustment as your gums are healing over time. In the long term as you wear and use your dentures you can expect them to wear down over time. Your gums will continue to shrink yearly and change their shape so maintenance is required to maintain the best fit for your dentures so you can enjoy day to day life with your dentures.

Looking for a local denturist that offers custom fit dentures in Vancouver?

Now that you have learned some valuable information about the first 30 days of wearing dentures, we hope you are feeling better about investing in the smile you deserve. If you are looking for new, well-designed, and reliable dentures in Vancouver, Integral Denture Centre is here for you. Let us provide the confidence you deserve and a smile that shines with you. Don’t hesitate to give us a call!

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